Search 656,621 Genealogy, Family History and Ancestry Records within 82 Iowa Counties.
The following Iowa counties have been completely transcribed
Counties Not IncludedCounties not indexed by the 1930s WPA Graves Registration Project, and thus not included in the database on this web site, include Appanoose, Benton, Cherokee, Clinton, Dallas, Des Moines, Dubuque, Hardin, Humboldt, Ida, Iowa, Jasper, Lyon, Monona, Osceola, Pottawattamie, and Warren.
 | | Be sure to also visit . . . the Iowa Gravestone Photo Project
is an extensive collection of Gravestone Photos from Iowa Cemeteries.
Researchers can submit photos and transcriptions of their ancestor's
gravestones and connect with yet-to-be-discovered cousins in the
process. This database includes a search mechanism that may be used
within a county or state-wide.