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OLIVER, William

Born: 1862
Died: 10-27-1932
County: POLK CO. - IOWA
Record Notes: 70Y

"William OLIVER" Post-ems:

Posted By: SUZANNE GARRETT   (email)2008-06-17 00:21:58 
Thinking this man might be my g-grandfather, I visited Laurel Hill Cemetery in 2003. When I asked to see the records for Wm Oliver, the clerk hesitated, then carefully told me in 1932 the section where he is buried was for African Americans only. Since we are white, I assured her he isn't my g-grandfather - BUT - because Olivers are hard to track, this bit of info may help someone find him.

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Searching for William Oliver in Polk County Iowa? Others have found this page by searching for William Oliver genealogy, Oliver burials in Iowa, William Oliver vital records in Polk County Iowa, Oliver surnames in Polk County Iowa, William Oliver census records, Oliver family history, and Oliver family tree.

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