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Search 656,621 Genealogy, Family History and Ancestry Records within 82 Iowa Counties.

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A Note About WPA Accuracy
SurnameGiven NameBornDiedCemeteryLocationCountyComments
HAYESBridget 1872 1898 St. Mary's Storm Lake, S. Lake Twp. Buena Vista  
HAYESEffie Elsie (Shepard) 6-27-1860 5-30-1924 Poland Marathon, Poland Twp. Buena Vista w/o George Wesley Hayes m/o Frank, May Watts. Ernie J., James W., Will E., Mrs. Grace Duncan, Mrs. Susie Goodwin, Arthur H., and 
HAYESGeorge Wesley 8-5-1855 6-3-1934 Poland Marathon, Poland Twp. Buena Vista h/o Effie Elsie Shepard d. 5-30-1924 f/o Frank Nelson, Wm. Enos, Roy Geo., Harry Arthur, James Wesley, Grace Duncan, Ernie Jay, Mrs. May Watts. Four children died before their father, names not given. 
HAYESJessie Frances (Wedgewood) Age 22y 9-29-1889 Storm Lake Storm Lake, S. Lake Twp. Buena Vista d/o W.W. Wedgewood 
HAYESMrs. A.G. **** 1870 Elk Baptist Alta, Elk Twp. Buena Vista  
HAYESThomas 1866 1914 St. Mary's Storm Lake, S. Lake Twp. Buena Vista  

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